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教程:在adobepremiere Pro CS6中的多摄像机编辑

Adobe Premiere Pro Instructor extraordinaire 路易莎的冬天 explains how to use the new and enhanced Multi-Camera Monitor for quick and efficient multicam edits in Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 in this video and text tutorial.

Welcome to this tutorial on how to use multi-camera editing using Adobe Premiere Pro CS6. 任何用多台摄像机拍摄事件的人都知道, using a multicamera interface like the one found in Premiere Pro CS6 can be a huge timesaver in post, making your multicamera edit as efficient as a live switch (though not nearly as high-pressure).


To do a multicam project using Premiere Pro CS6 the first thing you need to do is to import the footage from your cameras into the Project Panel (下面的图1). 接下来,你需要告诉Premiere Pro剪辑同步的位置.

图1. 我在项目面板中用7台相机拍摄的片段.

All of the clips shown in 图1 have slightly different timecode numbers. 当我在拍摄这些片段中捕捉到的7个镜头时, 我用鼓掌来同步摄像机. So what I need to do is to find this clap in all of the clips and place a marker in this place to tell Premiere Pro to use this as the common point between all of the cameras.

To accomplish this the easiest way is to maximize the Project Panel (下面的图2). 最大化这个面板, place your mouse cursor on top of it and press the accent grave (‘) or tilde (~) key on your keyboard.

图2. The Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 Project Panel maximized for easier viewing.

You can also change the view to thumbnails by clicking the icon at the bottom left of the screen shown in 图3(下面), and change the size of the thumbnails using the adjacent slider (also shown in 图3).

图3. 在项目面板中更改为缩略图视图.

Now you can click on the clips one at a time and find your hand clap (or whatever common point you plan to use for syncing the clips) right here in the Project Panel. 使用J, K和L键作为播放控制播放此剪辑. 一旦找到同步点的大致位置, press the K key and go frame by frame by pressing and holding the K key and using L to go forward one frame or J to go backwards one frame.

Once you have identified the exact frame where your synch point occurred, 使用键盘快捷键I标记一个In点(图4), 下图). 对所有剩余的剪辑遵循相同的程序, 在指定的同步点为每个同步点设置一个In点. J K和L是很好的捷径.

图4. 在1号相机拍手的位置.

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