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Google TV, Personalization, and the Friday Night Experience

了解更多有关OTT用户体验的信息 流媒体东部2022.


Shobana Radhakrishnan: 有了谷歌电视, the premise we had--and all of us can relate to this--is the "Friday evening experience." You're sitting in front of your TV after a long work week, maybe with your significant other. 你想找点东西看. 然后你打开电视, 你可能会花20美元, 30, 有时甚至花更多时间找东西, and you still don't find the thing that you want to spend a couple of hours watching. 我们在市场数据中看到了这一点. 我们看了一会儿,然后说, "Why don't we try to try to bring a personalized content experience where I don't have to go into individual apps and search and spend a lot of time?"

But Google is able to see what the user may be generally interested in, 什么是电流?, 如果是直播, 例如, 并尝试带来内容导向的体验. 所以当你打开电视, you see pieces of content that maybe you want to engage with, rather than trying to go into individual apps search for it. 作为一个平台, this is also something we can do to help our content partners find their users, matching the content with the users and bringing eyeballs to where the content lives that the users want to consume. 这就是谷歌电视背后的基本理念, which was launched with Chromecast back in September 2020, 然后是索尼和TCL. 其中一部分是说, “我们可以看看谷歌搜索推荐引擎, 但要带上引擎的动力, 个性化内容搜索, 帮助用户?“同时, we also rely fairly heavily on both explicit and implicit signals from the users, because this is not just about packaging stuff and thrusting it in front of users, but giving users the freedom to tell us their preferences. We make sure we understand what users are subscribed to and not throwing random content in front of them.

And we have seen that users are reacting well so far to this experience because it's cut out a lot of the search time looking for content. And we are able to bring the best of the content, and again, the wide variety. 有些人看体育比赛比看电影多. 有些人喜欢表演. 他们只想花30分钟继续. 有些人喜欢狂看. 他们想一直看到这个系列结束. So we we want to incorporate the user's personal habits into how the recommendations work for them rather than the global thing that we push in front of users. So far, we have seen positive reception for this approach from users.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

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How Google Leverages First-Party and Partner Data to Improve Consumer Experiences

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