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CTV platforms like 谷歌电视 are filling the void as traditional cable systems recede from their former ubiquity and arguably creating an entirely new category of content distributor, 认为 谷歌电视 Product Manager UX Rob Caruso in this fireside chat with Media Universe Cartographer 埃文·夏皮罗 at 纽约流媒体. Shapiro even coins a new term for this new entertainment sector: “Collabregator.”


夏皮罗指出,谷歌的一个主要优势是其庞大的基础设施, which greatly helps its ability to develop new products and reach customer bases in new regions. “令人着迷的是操作系统的到来和演变, 联网电视…你正在创造一个新的空间, 新行业, 一种新的娱乐形式,他说. “在一定程度上, 它的软件, 操作, 和发现, 但另一方面, 远不止这些. It is, for all intents and purposes, the user experience and the user interface. From an economic standpoint and from a theoretical standpoint, what defines this emerging segment?”

卡鲁索说,正在出现的并不一定是新的, 但分销平台的变化最大. Rather than the clunky older cable boxes that once delivered the user interface, 智能电视已经占据主导地位, even though the smart TV ecosystem is still not as developed as what’s available on tablets and phones. “But we are still able to do things interactively on those smart TVs that you weren't able to do in the cable ecosystem,他说. “So I don't know it's a new entertainment experience as much as it's just shifted the delivery of it, both the actual mechanism to deliver the bits and also the device that you're interacting on. 你提到了经济,这有点不同. 你不用花很多钱就能得到这个. You're paying more in micro subscriptions to the individual apps and maybe to a pay TV provider like YouTube上电视 or Hulu. 然后,广告支持的部分也发生了变化. 并不是说它不存在[以前], 但CTV平台在中国扮演着更重要的角色.”


Shapiro says that the new role of CTV platforms as entertainment distributors is like the “new age Multichannel Video Programming Distributor (MVPD),” and that he likes to call this new form of distributed aggregation “collabregators,,这应该会更均匀地提高所有玩家的收益. “表面上, we went from a fee-based distribution model to one that's much more around revenue share,他说. 然而, he observes that the interests of all these new players are not as aligned as they could be, with the continuance of “walled gardens” of different platforms and providers making the user experience more complicated than necessary. 他问卡鲁索:“A,你对此有何看法? 和B, do you see a pathway to better aligning the interests of all these players so that the interests and needs of the consumers are better met?”

“At the end of the day, it doesn't make any sense to be exclusive,” Caruso says. “如果你是一家免费广告支持电视(FAST)提供商, 你希望(你的影响力和可见度)越广越好. People are less precious about their experience when you're in the FAST world because you want that experience. You're probably okay if someone consumes your content elsewhere inside of a native CTV platform. 例如, (谷歌), 我们收集尽可能多的信息, 我们在界面中将它暴露给用户. 如果你选择启动一个应用程序,那也很好. But what we've seen is pretty tremendous incremental reach where users that knew about [an] app, 下载了那个应用程序,启动了它,那个用户已经被联系上了. 我们所做的就是把这些内容提前, 我们正在引进一些新用户,他们可能不知道下载 冥王星 App或 Tubi App,现在他们因此获得了增量观看量. So to me, that's probably the best example where the tide actually lifts everybody. We get some benefit from that by using our interface to help discover content. 合伙人的收视率在增加,所以大家都是赢家.”



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现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


就在几年前, Apple and others predicted that TV's days were numbered and that we'd all be consuming content on mobile, 独奏, 和活跃的, 传统的电视观看将会消失. At best, these soothsayers got it half-right, and CTV continues to evolve and thrive. TVREV的Alan Wolk在这段来自纽约流媒体的视频中问了为什么. 三星广告公司的贾斯汀·弗洛姆说, “流媒体变得容易”的马里昂·兰切特, and TVision's Yan Liu explain why media viewing behavior has evolved along different lines and what drives mobile and CTV consumption among different demographics in 2024.

How Google Leverages First-Party and Partner Data to Improve Consumer Experiences

像谷歌这样的“数据机器”, the problem is never having too little customer data—it's all about managing the data overload to pinpoint the right data to leverage to build customized, 有针对性的, 个性化的体验,满足用户并保持他们的参与. 越来越多地, according to 谷歌电视 Product Manager UX Rob Caruso in this interview with Media Universe Cartographer 埃文·夏皮罗 at 纽约流媒体, it's working with partners to identify the right mix of first-party and partner data to take personalization to the next level.


谷歌电视 Senior Director of Engineering Shobana Radhakrishnan discusses ongoing shifts in M&E content consumption like the growth of CTV and streaming relative to traditional linear broadcast, 流媒体内容市场的持续分化, and how the transition to more advertising-based monetization models will impact the overall revenue picture in 2024-26 in this clip from her 流媒体连接 keynote.


随着新的用户体验的发展,CTV观看体验也在不断发展. 仍然, 许多专家和用户都认为,这种体验基本上是坏的, 太多的选择和太少的个性化是用户的头号抱怨, 离它该去的地方还远着呢. According to 谷歌电视 Senior Director of Engineering Shobana Radhakrishnan in her 流媒体连接 Keynote, the critical challenge is understanding what viewers want and letting that drive other decisions.


谷歌电视 Senior Director of Engineering Shobana Radhakrishnan discusses 谷歌电视's strategy for personalizing recommendations and enhancing the OTT user experience in this clip from 流媒体 West Connect 2021.

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